with Garance Fiedler
in Aix-en-Provence
For which problems can you come to consult me ?
Hypnotherapy quickly and definitively solves problems that have cluttered your life for too long:
- Your relational difficulties with your parents, your children, your partner, or human beings in general!
- Your own behaviors that hurt you and that you cannot get rid of: all addictions (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex and others), destructive eating behaviors, toxic relationships
- A devalued, failing self-esteem and/or self-image that affects your whole life, including academic/professional success and social interactions.
- Better stress-management of stress, exams, public speaking
- Reduce the perception of pain.
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing - makes it possible to definitively solve a trauma in one session (very rarely two sessions).

I work in French and in English.
When your conscious mind fails to solve your problem…,
let your subconscious mind take over!
Garance Fiedler
Pôle Santé du roi René
34, boulevard du roi René
13100 Aix en Provence
06 36 06 83 51
SIREN : 952 344 166