What is the subconscious mind ?

brown and black flower in close up photography
brown and black flower in close up photography

The subconscious mind is responsible for your vital biological functions, such as breathing, having a beating heart, blood pulsating in your veins, etc. You don't think about it, but without it you would die immediately. Your subconscious mind is the seat of your survival instinct, both physical and psychological. It generates your intuitions, your likes and your dislikes. It reacts very quickly, much more than the conscious mind. It prefers to be well and therefore protects you ; more often than not, its protection suits you, but sometimes it has funny ideas: these are somatisations, inexplicable weight gain, bursts of anger that explode at strange times, addictive behavior, eating disorders, depressions, and so on. In short, all the symptoms that there is something going wrong. It's the way of the unconscious mind - a little clumsy, I agree - to show you that there is something that does not suit you. And the less you listen to it, the more it is bound to make the symptom prominent/distracting in your daily life.

Most of the time, you are generally aware of the causes of your problem, but knowing this does not solve your problem. These are the limits of the conscious mind: you can put words but that does not improve your state.

A therapy using hypnosis makes it possible to speak directly to the subconscious mind, which is absolutely delighted that it is offered solutions to get better! This is why hypnotherapy is effective, fast and lasting: the unconscious mind learns quickly and prefers when you are happy!